1. specific = [ spi-sif-ik ] 2. allowed = [ uh-loud ] 3. exhausted = [ ig-zaws-tid ] 4. workaholic = [ wurk-uh-haw-lik, -hol-ik ] 5. colleagues = [ kol-eegz ] 6. raise = [ reyz ] 7. successful = [ suhk-ses-fuhl ] 8. result = [ ri-zuhlt ] 9. insisted = [ uhn-si-stuhd ] 10. Meridian = [ muh-rid-ee-uhn ] 11. economic = [ ek-uh-nom-ik, ee-kuh- ] 12. officials = [ uh-fi-shlz ]
1. When I work a lot. = When I am working a lot. 2. *After having a break time, I feel refreshed. 3. No, is okay. = No, everything is okay/clear. 4. Yes. = Yes, I am ready. 5. No need.= There's no need for you to explain the directions. 6. I want know drastic. = I want to know the meaning of drastic. 7. No. = None / No one is available.
HOMEWORK: Write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) describing a meal you had with your family or friends. Include details about the food, the people, and the setting.