PRONUNCIATION: = [ wo-rld ]
2. flaming= [ fley-ming ] 3. golden = [gol-den ] 4. social =[ sow-syal ] 5. whopping = [wooping ] 6. subsidiary= [ sub-see-dya-ree ] 7 turquoise=[ ter-koys ] 8. esque=[ esk] 9. joked = [jowkt] 10. because= [ bee-koz] 11. vinyl = [vee-neel]
1. maybe they are big fan of pokemon and cheetos = maybe they are a big fan of pokemon and cheetos 2. the value of cheetozard maybe could be last for a year = the value of Cheeto Zard could last for a year 3. this is some kind of culture difference= This is a kind of cultural difference. 4. it could influence people to desire to have it or own it = It could influence people to want to possess it. 5. very small amount= for a very small amount 6. the price will be increasing= the price will increase 7. it caused viral= it caused trend 8. they can spread their names or their company = They can promote their names or their company 9. the one benefit the most is cheetios = the one who benefited this promotion is Cheetos. 10. the story seems like natural story it doesn't things like make-up story= The story seems natural; it doesn't feel fabricated. 11. this viral have can gain trust = this trend gained trust
HOMEWORK: What makes an item valuable—its rarity, cultural significance, or something else?