Just two decades ago from today, world wide web started their service. Ever since, our society has been through revolutionary change. Nowadays we can share information on web, keep in touch with people on the other side of earth by real time.
One of the drastic change that internet give rise was equality to speak out one’s opinion. = One of the drastic changes that internet gave was the rise of equality to speak out one's opinion.
We don’t have to be celebrity to assert own opinion. = We don't have to be a celebrity to assert our own opinion.
Nowadays, we can speak out on internet board, moreover we can make our own radio or broadcasting channel by ourself. = Nowadays, we can speak out on internet board, moreover, we can make our own radio or broadcasting channel by ourselves.
And what’s more, because of the social media service like facebook or twitter, we can eaily exchange opinions of people from different backgrounds and person’s opinions can go viral disregard of one’s social background. = And what’s more, because of the social media service like facebook or twitter, we can easily exchange opinions with people from different backgrounds and person's opinions can go viral disregarding his social background.
And it really does huge impacts on revolution in Lybia, Tunisia and Egypt.
On the other hand, the openness sometimes put negative effects. = On the other hand, the openness sometimes gives negative effects.
Nowadays, we lost their ability to verify fact. = Nowadays, we are losing the ability to verify facts.
We would spend not enough time in confirming truth and lots of false information spreads without courses of confirming the truth. = We spend insufficient time in confirming the truth and lots of false information spread without reliable evidences.
And numerous Social media stars abuse it to become social media stars, so lots of collateral damages happens. = And, numerous social media stars abuse it to become more famous online, therefore, lots of collateral damages happen.
Some of celebrities committed suicide because of false rumous widespread on social medias. = Some celebrities already committed suicide because of widespread false rumours on social medias.
Despite of such tragedies, we can still expect bright futures on Social medias. = Despite of such tragedies, we can still expect bright futures on social medias.
Minor blemishes will not be able to hinder the histologic movement. We can find solutions, as we always did. = ...do. |