1. good = [good] 2. home= [hohm] 3. principal= [ prin-suh-puhl ] 4. don't= [ dohnt ] 5. forget = [ fer-get ] 6. story = [stohr-ee ] 7. tree = [tree] 8. climb = [ klahym ] 9. sandwich = [ sand-wich] 10. call= [ kawl ]
1. I very good = I feel very good 2. Because I'm ate yummy samgyupsal. = Because I ate yummy samgyupsal. 3. Yes. = Yes. I'm ready. 4. I'm going to church. = I went to the church. 5. I forget my bag. = i forgot my bag. 6. Susie need bring $5 for lunch. = Susie needs to bring $5 for lunch. 7. The picnic helps the teachers at school. = The principal helps the teachers at school. 8. That bear mean. = That bear is mean. 9. No. = None so far.
HOMEWORK: What's the biggest adventure you've had in your life?